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President Lewis: Chapters 1-4 DVD (S)

Studio: Missionary Boyz
39,75 €
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SKU 15577D
President Lewis represents a changing of the guard. Far more willing to break with tradition and indulge in his sexual desires, he is more liberal in terms of priest behavior. Usually reserving his “interactions” with the Elders, today he has set his sites on Bishop Napoli, a partner Lewis has bred over several intimate encounters. Elder Inaki is not like other members of the order; his complexity intrigues President Lewis who is determined to get to the bottom of the young man’s desires. A master at reading personalities, President Lewis knows that Elder Wolf will respond to a more nuturing approach during the interview process; President Lewis has learned that posing the right questions in the right way, will get the response he is searching for. While Lewis knows he is lying, Elder Bar reveals no guilt or signal of his deception; Lewis knows he will have to probe deeper with this young lad to get to his true desires.
La langue
Date de sortie
11 juin 2021
151 Minutes