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Man's Land DVD

Studio: Macho Guys
39,75 €
Rupture de stock
SKU 11589D
A man is the king of his castle and that goes for the land around it too. Don’t under-estimate the territorial instincts of a guy protecting his patch – if you want some of it you gotta give up something in exchange and that’s usually your ass! A young rookie wants to learn all there is in a boxing ring, but first he’s gotta learn how to take a cock in his tight ring! A new prisoner gets his initiation into the prison fraternity and he’s gotta suck cock for the first time – and he loves it! You have to take the rough with the smooth when you wanna come on into this Man’s Land!
République Tchèque
La langue
Date de sortie
27 juil. 2016
125 Minutes
Macho Guys