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Mexican Brother Fuckers DVD

Studio: Treasure Island
49,75 €
Rupture de stock
SKU 13203D
Some guys say that men fuck the same the world over. But that’s just not the case. You blindfold a guy and line up guys from different parts of the world and the bottom will be able to tell where they’re from by how they fuck. The men of Mexico have a style of fucking that leaves the rest of the world in the dust. They get down to it, hard and dirty and rough. Cock is king in Mexico and if you had any doubts about that being true, sit back and watch “Brother Fuckers”! In case you’re wondering about the title, check out the last amazing scene in which two actual brothers fuck each other. They’re the Perez brothers and are notorious in Mexico City where they’ve been bro-balling on stage and in clubs. They go at it with the kind of crazy passion that only comes with knowing your mate as well as you know your own blood. You’re gonna love this one.
Paul Morris
La langue
Date de sortie
13 févr. 2018
109 Minutes